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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Candida Albicans yeast infection-and connecting Fibromyalgia

There is a link between the yeast overgrowth and Fibromyalgia? Could some of the mystery surrounding this condition can finally begin to wither in the light of new knowledge? He seems to have become a link between the overgrowth Fibromyalgia and yeast.

Yeast is normally present in the lower intestine and held in check by friendly bacteria such as Lactobacillus variety. When the people of the friendly is decreased (such as the use of antibiotics as positive) usually yeast populations under control now can begin to multiply out of control. Also, can a member fungus in Catalan and to disrupt the integrity of the intestinal wall. This allows toxic metabolic by-products of yeast can enter the blood stream. Among the many products of metabolism is ethanol, carbon dioxide and tartaric acid.

Tartaric acid is an organic acid that acts as a muscle toxin. It is more toxic than the 100% pure alcohol (ethanol) which is fatal in about a dose of 1 ounce. Tartaric acid can be a lethal dose in half that. When yeast ferment sugar and convert it into ethanol also create tartaric acid. In experiments, causing damage to muscles.

People with fibromyalgia have proven to have up to 50 times the normal level of tartaric acid in their blood. Fibromyalgia sufferers experience muscle and joint pain.

Tartaric acid has proven to be an enzyme called Fumarase, which creates a material called the Malic acid in the process of generating energy named Krebs cycle. Malic acid is an essential element of the cycle that is used by Krebs, for two series over energy in the cell and is used to create glucose (blood sugar) through a process called Gluconeogenesis. This is a process where the non-sugar used for the creation of blood sugar and is part of the survival mechanism of hunger. Your body to use protein and fat to create sugar for feeding of your brain.

When the production of Malic acid, the mechanism of cell energy becomes impaired and weakness may occur. Tartaric acid crystals can be installed in the muscles and joints and cause pain. Blood sugar levels drop too because it is the denial of Gluconeogenesis. This can lead to fatigue and brain fog.

So why would this happen in people with fibromyalgia? One possible reason is that often the onset of fibromyalgia occurs after a traumatic accident as a sinking car. The normal procedure is to treat these people with a broad range of antibiotics to prevent infections. This in turn kill the friendly bacteria. Then these people live a high sugar and carbohydrate diet to obtain energy, but end up feeding the yeast more than themselves. To conclude, in fact, fuelling their own internal poisoning.

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