About Candida Yeast Infection Headline Animator

Friday, March 18, 2011

Recurrent yeast infection-what is to come back so often?

Recurrent yeast infection-the itch, burning, sore and red skin, pain and all you're going through ... AGAIN.

An infection by yeast or Candida is caused by an overgrowth of fungus Candida Albicans. Called when a recurring yeast infection affects about every three months or so. What are now the various factors that can lead to an infection by Candida?

1. who should have known, but birth control pills are among the main causes for a recurring yeast infection. The progestogen hormone in the pill is capable of causing this fungal overgrowth. To eliminate this source of recurrent candida infections an should be eliminated in birth control pills.

2. Candida Albicans loves sugar and do most of us, which makes it very happy our fungus and well beyond. Eating a lot of sugar and refined carbohydrates, as found in flour, white bread, white rice, pasta, etc., cake contributes largely repeated yeast infections.

3. synthetic fabrics Underwear is tight clothes and generally trap heat and moisture in your sensitive area, which in turn then provides the perfect breeding ground for Candida Albicans can fortunately multiply away. If you need to change your wardrobe to fabrics and airy and loose cotton Underwear: more importantly, to allow the movement of air. Your clothes must be dry and your Underwear should be changed frequently.

4. If you are already impressed with diabetes you probably dealing with recurring yeast infection. The yeast feeds on substances such as glucose and glycogen. So when your blood sugar levels, so the transition is not Ms. Candida (I'm really starting to like this lady).

5. The yeast infection also often caused by lack of balance to the immune system. This can be brought about by a recent treatment of antibiotics and other types of drugs. People whose immune system has been threatened by HIV or other auto immune diseases is also extremely susceptible to recurrent yeast infections.

6. lack of vaginal lubrication and friction can lead to changes in the vaginal membranes, which are then offered for a recurring yeast infection. Candida infections can be passed from partner to partner during intercourse. Should any of you passing a source make sure to use safe sex measures to ensure the health of another.

The list of potential factors for recurrent candida infections are very great, and it is important to get to the bottom before treatment.

More and more people were placed in a natural approach to escape from the vicious circle repeating candida infection caused by antibiotics and other factors. What you need to get rid of Candida infections are permanently provided by nature. So stop keep Candida Albicans Ms. a happy camper and return to that one yourself.

Now that you have an idea about how  to get rid of yeast infection you can discover the exact techniques so you can live a stress free and happy life. I know what I'm about to tell you about how to to get rid of yeast infection may sound difficult to believe, but it is 100% true.

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