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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Systemic yeast infection – this is when there is serious

A systemic yeast infection can be debilitating, even life-threatening actually.  This is insidious, and in most cases, the infected person even not aware of yeast is the cause of their symptoms.  A systemic yeast infection can have a huge impact on the quality of life and everyday life.

Symptoms of systemic yeast infections can mimic symptoms of other medical problems like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) that makes complex diagnosis.

Symptoms include diarrhea, swell and chronic fatigue, and difficulty sleeping.  You may also experience abdominal discomfort, especially after meals.

Unfortunately, many doctors conventional medicine may overlook the possibility of a systemic yeast infection simply because too few are sufficiently schooled in issues pertaining to the digestive system.

When left untreated, Candida will proliferate and during execution of your immune system very quickly, how a Roach infestation in a garage can happen.  Taking into account the circumstances, Candida can quickly during each good bacteria within the Body, and begin to dominate all parts of the body, including organs, digestive system, respiratory system, blood, eyes and skin.

When Candida grows out of control, the mutates from a harmless bacteria to become invasive in plokami-like roots which can break the lining of the intestine creating openings. This, in turn, allows toxins and allergens contained usually in intestines on their way from the House, instead, enter the bloodstream.  This can cause leaky gut syndrome with symptoms, including increased environmental and food allergies.

Yeast literally can grow just about anywhere and if your inner pH is out of balance in your body, perfect anaerobic created for yeast to flourish.  It is important to quickly change the balance in your body, and aggressively fight the Candida overgrowth.

Most likely you consume a diet high in acid producing foods, and foods high in yeast already.  Things such as meat, especially red meat, wheat products, beer, food high in sugar.  All these create acid environment your body thrives due to Candida and sends an open invitation for a systemic yeast infection.

Changing your diet is imperative for your health.  Another option that I too quickly can reduce the acid in your body with soda.  Pick up some empty gel capsules vitamin from your local store, soda and swallow.  You can mix a teaspoon or two of water and drink once, but the taste is very pleasant.

Soda or sodium bicarbonate is an alkalinizing effect in the body.  At first you may feel nausea, headache, or receive or body aches, but this is a normal side effect.  It is a sign that the soda is working and that your yeast infection is systemic under control, only with nick.

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