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Friday, March 11, 2011

Male yeast infection – is, or isn't it?

Male yeast infection is sometimes difficult to detect and diagnose, but when you know what you have to do with, there are several effective male yeast infection treatments.

Although yeast infections in men usually manifest as an infection penile yeast, I think we should focus on a plan for effective treatment with the potential internal yeast overgrowth, and external events.

Unfortunately, most men and women have some degree of internal yeast overgrowth problems that appear in many different ways.  This causes vaginal yeast infections in women and may induce penile yeast infections in men.

Yeastrol is a homeopathic product that works like nothing else on the market today. Our experts in homeopathic treatments have combined 12 ingredients to combat not only the itching but multiple symptoms of yeast infection "from the inside outwards! And Yeastrol gets into your system quickly, with only two simple sprays under the tongue, three times a day.


While the most common causes of yeast infections in men is sexual transmission from their partners, over the use of antibiotics and a weakened immune system – diet is also a very important factor for the treatment and prevention of infections.

Foods to avoid when you fight a yeast infection include alcohol, beer, wheat or corn products, peanuts and mushrooms.  All these foods are usually infected MOLDS and even most of us do not recognize this.

Also, many men tend to consume more foods high in sugar content and refined carbohydrates, including things like chips, pasta, etc.  Yeast thrives on sugar and carbohydrates, so many men unknowingly feeding it and encourage them to multiply.

Includes a natural, low sugar organic yogurt with live cultures in your diet.  Brand term is my favorite and most can be purchased all stores healthy diet and some major grocery stores are also to bear the mark of horizon organic dairy products.  This will help the balance, the good and bad bacteria, potentially contributing to the control of external symptoms.

Trans fats should also be avoided.  Use heart healthy oils such as olive oil, almond oil, macadamia nut, coconut and linseed oil, in salad dressings and home cooked recipes.

The first and most important step for the treatment of male yeast infections are taking control of your diet and eliminate the foods that you add to the problem.  Not fun, I know – but trouble making sacrifices to get rid of that darned yeast infection!

Stay tuned for male yeast infection treatments – the "mineral" are!

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