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Friday, March 18, 2011

Prevent vaginal yeast infections-Candida defence

Instead of curing this frustrating problem when it occurs, focus on how to prevent a vaginal yeast infection from occurring in the first place! As we say goes: "prevention is worth a pound of Dramia treatment". Learn methods of candida defence now!

Yeast is a fungus, necessary

This is a fact that many women do not know. Yeast is essential for our bodies, and always present in small quantities. But too much of this fungus will cause contamination. To prevent an infection from vaginal yeast need to understand the causes of candida and what is the best defence against.

Elimination of the environment that the yeast love to live.

Yeast thrive in moist and warm areas. To reduce your chances of contamination of dough to make sure you always wear dry and clean underwear. Petticoats of synthetic materials that are too limited and is probably the number one cause of the contamination.

Cotton petticoats are in a much better option. cotton allows more air to circulate. Also try never to wear the same petticoats 2 days in a row.

Another cause of yeast infection is consuming too much sugar. Yeast thrive on sugar so try to cut the sweets in your diet. This includes soda, cakes, cookies and candy.

Feminine hygiene products such as douches, sprays, gels and lubricants can kill healthy bacteria in the vagina that can lead to yeast infections.

If you are sweating you should bathe, only you and put on clean clothes.

Stop killing Candida natural defenses in your organization

Use antibiotics only when absolutely necessary, because apart from killing the bad bacteria in your body, kill the beneficial bacteria that also your body needs to prevent vaginal yeast infections. Also, try to avoid using antibacterial Soap and pepper because they kill good bacteria also leaves you vulnerable in your candida yeast and defence is crippled.

Many of the causes of vaginal yeast infection can be eliminated or reduced. Remember these facts and put them into action in your daily life.

Visit my page [http://free-natural-remedies.blogspot.com/2009/11/proven-natural-remedies-for-yeast.html] Candida defense if you already suffer with this problem and to eliminate the symptoms using the 12-hour treatment!

Monica Garcia

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