In establishing what causes yeast infections, have discussed a common, but rarely observed condition of acidosis or imbalance of our natural pH.
Professionals and researchers finding that we have a better opportunity to sustain long-term health, if you pay attention to our body's pH levels. Final pH should be neutral or slightly alkaline. Unfortunately, most of the standard American diet (sad) consists of process and fast foods that are too acidic in nature. When we learn to the acidic side of things, our potential for the development of serious problems, except the yeast or Candida infections, increased significantly. overgrowths These health problems including heart disease, kidney disease and osteoporosis, just to name a few.
A healthy and balanced diet should consist of food forming acid 20% and 80% alkaline forming foods.
The good news is, pH levels are tracked easily with pH strips which can be found online or at most health food stores.
The bad news is, most of us will have to drastically change our diets than SAD with glad … if you know what I mean.
The answer, according to scientists and researchers who have studied chronic acidosis is a diet that includes more alkaline, acidic and less food.
And exactly what kind of diet is that, you ask? Is a diet that is high in fruits and veggies. Surprised? Probably not … but which I would like to share some of the research on the physical effects of an excessively acidic diet.
This is where the "rubber meets the road" from the standpoint of we understand how important a healthy pH balanced diet really is. When we eat too much food our Agency's acidic pH decreases and equilibrium. Then our kidneys take efforts to counteract the heavy-handedness. Our bones are calcium and magnesium apekkrinoyn start to restore proper alkalinity, and start breaking down our muscles to release ammonia, which is very alkaline. At the end of this process, the calcium released from your bones and muscles are all broken down into your urine cleaned.
Your bones and muscles are literally flushing of something good that the toilet – not.
In my opinion, this is why so many of us suffer from osteoporosis, arthritis and other joint, muscle and bone deterioration. These problems become only worse, as we age, which increased only bones and muscle deterioration.
What is the answer – a healthy balanced diet. In fact, this is the answer in most all our health problems, including yeast infections. Period.
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