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Monday, March 7, 2011

What causes yeast infections – pregnancy

Yeast infections can occur for many different reasons.  And is next to impossible to stay on top of the problem if I do not know what causes yeast infection.  During the next few days, I will discuss some of the causes that may lead to these stubborn contaminations.

Due to the normal increase in estrogen levels, you are more likely to experience a yeast infection during pregnancy than almost any other time in your life.  Increased estrogen levels lead to increased glycogens (sugar) in vaginal secretions that conforms to the wall of your vagina.  This usually lead to an overgrowth of yeast.

Yeast infections tend to appear around the second trimester of pregnancy.  If you notice a thin White discharge with odd smell, you may have good attack.  Although some discharge during pregnancy is normal, if the discharge increases or changes, you'll want to check with your doctor to be on the safe side, and for your peace of mind.

What causes yeast infections may be a little more difficult to control during pregnancy, but inevitably these infections do not have a negative effect on a pregnancy — apart from the usual uncomfortable symptoms they cause.

Since the treatment of any disease or infection during pregnancy is potentially confusing, always consult with your doctor before you self-treating a yeast infection.

Simple changes in your diet can help the problem.  Try to eliminate sugar and complex carbohydrates from your diet.  Also add a low-sugar yoghurt (with live acidophilus cultures) in your diet.  Only these changes could be a big difference.

Chlorella is a wonderful Super foods that cure yeast infections.  Chlorella is rich in folic acid, improves the haemoglobin levels more efficiently than iron supplements and may be useful to nursing mothers experiencing fatigue resulting in the loss of vitamins and nutrients through breastfeeding.  Chlorella also may prevent the delivery of hemorrhaging in promoting healthy blood clotting potential properties.  Normal pregnancy symptoms, including heart burn and constipation are usually worse than iron supplements-chlorella gives the same benefits as an iron pills, but without the negative side effects.

Although chlorella has many therapeutic properties and benefits for pregnant and nursing women, is a good practice to always consult with your doctor before taking any supplements or medicines.  Should also be sure to check the ingredient label for chlorella, ginko biloba ginseng or other herbs.  These herbs are added should not be takenby pregnant women.

Stay tuned for "What causes yeast infections – parasites" … sounds tasty, huh?

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