The sad truth is that the yeast Candida infection is often caused due to two main factors which destroy the friendly bacteria (probiotics) in the House, which normally would hide this.
Unfortunately, because of our life today leads candida yeast infections have become much more prevalent. So much so that doctors, I believe that it will be 3 of every 4 women at some stage of their lives being affected by a yeast infection, at least once.
It has been established that there are over 20 different strains of Candida live in the human body and the most common of them all is Candida Albicans.
This form of yeast living organisms generally surface and digestive tract problems. However, if at any stage to change the terms then the yeast candida can multiply leads to a yeast infection.
The most common types of yeast infections, vaginal yeast infections is thrush, skin infections and Diaper and infections that can contaminate the nail beds.
It is often dietary choices we do, how we live life and if we take special medicines that may increase the risk of a candida yeast infection.
If our immune response is weaker (due to a suppressed immune system) can provide an ideal environment in which it can increase the contamination of yeast Candida. Here you will find two sectors which increase the risk of someone who suffers from yeast infections:-
1. diet
Diets that are very high in cooked and refined processed food can contain additives and preservatives, which have more strain on the digestive system, such as those who are fighting for their treatment.
Most of these products is very acidic and contain large quantities of sugar which encourages the development of Candida.
Thus, it is important to remove sugar and sweetened foods from the diet, such as the yeast feeds on sugar. This means eliminating refined sugar or natural, including fruit juices, syrups and honey.
It is also necessary to reduce the amount of food in the diet that contains yeast, or products made with dough, including most breads and alcohol.
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2. environmental toxins and medicines
There are many toxins in the environment and the food we eat. Unfortunately, many of them are in the process of getting food and drinks at your table.
There are also toxins in the air we breathe and there are some medicines that can affect the environment in the gastrointestinal tract, and also affects the immune system.
Toxins can be created in our system over time, which may have effects on the immune system. If this happens, can lead to increases the probability of the yeast candida overgrowing and spread of the organism.
The main source of many of the chemicals that we look today you can get the food we eat.
You only need to read the labels to see just how many chemical additives are used in many processed foods that are available for purchase.
It is therefore important that if you want to keep the yeast Candida contamination in the Bay you can limit the amount of man made chemicals that your page by eating a diet full of fresh, natural products.
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