About Candida Yeast Infection Headline Animator

Monday, March 28, 2011

Different type of yeast infections

Yeast infections can affect the skin, mouth, intestine and vagina. They are due mainly to the organism Candida albicans and other types of yeast can participate. The most common type of yeast infection is a vaginal yeast infection symptoms of itching, burning yields and a thick, cottage cheese cake discharge that the lining of the vagina.

Candida yeast infections of the vagina is more common in those receiving antibiotics for another reason, those who eat too much sugar or diabetics. Women with weakness in the immune system may be bothered by yeast infections on a regular basis. Even women who wear Underwear that does not breathe or are too tight can become vulnerable to infection of yeast Candida. Many women are allergic to perfumes, dyes and SOAP used to wash underclothing. Such irritation may produce a yeast infection.

Candida yeast infection is a sexually transmitted diseases. Men have little or no symptoms, but can harbor Candida species on the penis. The woman to receive the yeast infection after sexual intercourse with a man who has Candida on the penis. This is a common cause of recurrent infections that don't get better over time.

Candida can infect your damp and dark areas of the skin, most often in the breast or Newcastle folds. In babies, it may be a cause of Diaper rash. How do you know a Diaper rash with a yeast infection is is because there are satellite lesions arising out of the base area of redness. You'll see the same lesions with a red skin lesions if macerated affects adult disorder.

When Candida affects the mouth, causing a white coating on the tongue and the rest of the mouth. It is most common in infants and the immune suppressed. If affected infants must boil all the pacifiers and baby bottle nipples so as to reduce pollution. Sometimes a mother breastfeeding must be experiencing the nipples so this does not pass around the baby again.

When Candida affects the intestines, it eliminates the healthy gut leads to diarrhoea or constipation, bloating and cramping by colon. Such infection primarily affects the colon and causes the colon to be leaky. Candida organisms and undigested food can pass into the blood stream and give lots of allergy symptoms such as joint aches and pains, excessive fatigue and intestinal upset.

In addition to systemic Candidiasis, other forms of Candida is easy to deal with. The vaginal infections can be treated with ovules vaginal yeast creams or prefilled syringes, with anti-yeast medication. Skin yeast infections are treated by cleaning and drying of the skin and using antifungal creams or powders. Oral thrush is treated using a damp nystatin and swishing and in mouth to swallow sometimes per day. Should be cleaned with a toothbrush to be boiled after treatment.


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