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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Chronic Yeast Infection Symptoms and Causes

Chronic yeast infections can be very frustrating. In these cases, it is important to verify the diagnosis of chronic yeast infection. This could be due to allergic reaction to the pill and can not vulvitis yeast. It is best to go on a microscopic examination of the evidence of yeast infection in these cases.

The various symptoms of vaginal infection tend to be similar to that in the case of a woman who saw the first and make sure not how, then you better consult a doctor to diagnose properly treated.

A proliferation of Candida albicans is an organism that causes yeast infection. Although the body is sometimes present in small amounts in the vagina, which has no symptoms, but a change in the environment led to the growth and accelerate out of control state. This can easily by drugs that are designed to be controlled to eliminate this organism. Creams and pills are just some of the types of medications prescribed by a doctor for a week

So how a woman can recognize the symptoms of a chronic yeast infection? One of the symptoms of chronic infection of yeast is a thick discharge that looks and is very similar to a quark. However, this is experienced by 20% of women. This download smell of starch and sometimes has no Odor. The color varies from white to yellow. If you are looking for a more natural and holistic approach to get rid of yeast infection naturally, I recommend that you Try Yeast Infection No More.

Not all those who suffer from shock. One of the easiest ways to identify the symptom is a chronic yeast infection, if the itching of the vagina, which is accompanied by burning and swelling of the vulva and redness. This leads to pain when urinating. A yeast infection in different ways and urinary tract infection, yeast infection in the registration process begins when the urine is in contact with the outside world. The urinary tract infection, burning begins as a way to clean urine sample through the pipe.

The causes of chronic yeast infection

In the human body are not the natural yeast called Candida albicans. There is no way to get rid of Candida albicans, but the balance of the bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus, which is also found naturally in the human body. Chronic yeast infection occurs when the balance of yeast and bacteria are mixed. If the equilibrium is unstable, increase the amount of yeast is growing rapidly. This is usually caused when certain antibiotics or pH levels in the body changes to make. Some antibiotics destroy bacteria in your system, including those that keep the yeast in the body under control. Once the balance has fallen, the yeast begins to multiply rapidly, and before you know, you develop a chronic fungal infection.

A chronic fungal infection can be caused by the sugar in the body. People with high blood sugar such as diabetics are more prone to infections because yeast feeds on sugar. Therefore, people with a greater amount of sugar in their system, it is most likely infected.

Now that you know the cause of the infection, how to know if you really are?

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