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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Yeast Infection in Pregnancy Symptoms and Treatment

During pregnancy, it is normal to find a yeast infection. There is little difference between that and a normal yeast infection, and no need for concern. A special feature is that it is possible to control the hormone levels at that time. The same symptoms occur, such as smell, nasal discharge and itching.

If you’ve never been before, and experience to develop a yeast infection during pregnancy, should consult a gynecologist immediately. The condition can be verified and checked for other infections or complications. If there is a possibility that will be available for other infections, your doctor may treat these as well as the yeast infection. In general, infection itching, and can not be red from rubbing. However, if any burning sensation during urination bladder infection, may be present, a urine test is a good idea. Tell your doctor if other medications and creams are not’ve tried. To ensure the safety of baby, oral medications commonly used to treat fungal infections, are not mandatory. Yeast infection during pregnancy is best treated with external creams and ointments. Cream or ointment may be used by a number of days and eliminate the infection and then apply for another day or two.

If the infection occurs again during pregnancy, your doctor will probably try to determine the cause and may advise a change of regime. -Reduce the sugar and the introduction of berry juice in the diet can help. Another consideration is the bathroom can be used which can cause irritation of the region. It is best to use simple vanity perfume in it. If you are looking for a more natural and holistic approach to get rid of yeast infection naturally, I recommend that you Try Yeast Infection No More.

Women must ensure that the home remedies takes place which can prevent the symptoms of this fungal infection in pregnancy. You should avoid pantyhose and tight pants such as jeans, moisture in the vicinity of the case of the dam. After a workout or sweat producing activity, bathing or swimming to ensure that the dam was allowed to air dry.

Wet surfaces that rub together and provide a staging area for the secondary growth of yeast. They should also loose clothing, cotton absorbs moisture quickly to prevent moisture when you sweat. It is also important in order from front to back, urinate or defecate to clean. Gut bacteria and yeast can damage the skin of the vulva and vaginal infection.

You must also have towels, tampons when she gave birth to her son. Chemicals can perineal pads in many skin irritations. Natural cotton swabs are washed with detergent to use hypoallergenic.

Such as pregnant women should avoid shaving the area of ??the vulva. Pubic hair protects against chemicals in contact with skin, and they need to avoid all chemicals in the area of ??the vulva, vagina. You must also follow a low carbohydrate diet, with almost no simple carbs, eat only small amounts of complex carbohydrates, or simply a balanced diet for your health and your baby. A pregnant woman should always be in close contact with your doctor so they can get the right direction and drugs.

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