The sad truth is that Candida Yeast Infection usually caused by two main factors affecting the beneficial bacteria (probiotics) to destroy our body, which is normally repressed it.
Unfortunately, because the life we ??lead today, Candida Yeast Infections are more common. So much so that doctors believe that three of every four women will be affected by a yeast infection at least once at some point in their lives.
It was noted that there are over 20 different strains of Candida in the human body and the most common is Candida albicans.
In general, this type of yeast that lives on the surface of our body and the digestive tract without problems. However, if at any time the conditions change, then the yeast Candida can multiply causing a yeast infection.
The most common types of yeast infections are vaginal yeast infections, thrush, diaper rash and skin infections and infections that can infect the nails. If you are looking for a more natural and holistic approach to get rid of yeast infection naturally, I recommend that you Try Yeast Infection No More.
Often it is the food we choose to make the lifestyle we live and if we took some drugs that can increase our risk of a yeast infection Candida.
How To Avoid Yeast Infections
If our immune response is lower (due to the suppression of the immune system) that can be the ideal environment for cultivating Candida yeast infection. Here are two areas that are at risk for someone to grow yeast infections are: -
First, minimize the use of antibiotics
Most experts believe that antibiotics are the most common cause of fungal infections. Antibiotics are designed to kill bacteria and they do very well. The problem is they kill the good bacteria along with bad bacteria. The body needs good bacteria to fight yeast overgrowth. If the natural balance of bacteria in the body is disturbed, the body is capable of growth of Candida yeast infection and leads to a fight. The use of antibacterial soaps is one way people experience an accumulation of antibiotics without knowing it. Use antibiotics only when absolutely necessary.
Second Wear the right clothes
Yeast grows best in a crowded, closed when the air flow somewhat. Closely, no cotton clothing traps heat and moisture and creates an ideal environment for yeast to grow. Wear cotton clothes as soon as possible and make sure your underwear made of cotton, no dyes and are not too tight.
Third Avoid hazardous chemicals
Some colors, dyes and perfumes can trigger an allergic reaction that promotes the growth of yeast. Commercial showers are one of the main culprits. These products interfere with the vagina and create a situation in which the body is less able to fight infection. Other sources of chemicals that could lead to infection, toilet paper, detergents, fabric softeners, bubble baths and salts, spray deodorants feminine scented tampons, scented.
Fourth Watch your diet
Reduce the amount of sugar you consume, and reduce the amount of Candida yeast in your body. Refined white sugar makes the body, hormones that create stress and the liver to produce a hormonal imbalance. Sugar robs the body needs vitamins and nutrients and makes it difficult for the body to protect against fungal attack.
Fifth change in the method of birth control
The natural and synthetic hormones can influence the growth of yeast and the body’s ability to defend against them. Pregnant women are especially sensitive to hormonal changes cause Candida. Birth control pills are probably the main cause of fungal infections hormone. Many women find that their infection is completely gone when, from the birth control pill to change a non-hormonal method.
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